Community Feedback

"A very organised professional school. They have time for the children that attend and their parents. They have always done their best by my children and I am very glad I sent them to Northumberland Heath Primary School."- Parent/Carer survey

"I always go and talk to the teachers. They listen to us and help us."-  Child

"The facilities for intervention at Northumberland Heath are excellent. The Sunshine Room, the development of the additional Rainbow Room, alcoves that house curriculum interventions and another tented space means that there are numerous systems to meet the therapeutic needs of learners; both in terms of responsive approaches and planned preventative programmes."- Hannah Hall, School Improvement, Behaviour Specialist. SEMH, SEND, Attachment & Trauma Trainer & Coach

"Really impressed with how the school is run, and how well technology is used. Staff have been great and friendly!" Parent/Carer survey

"Thank you to all the staff for being so kind and welcoming! I have had a wonderful experience here at NHP and have learnt so much. A special thanks to DD for being a great host!" Work experience student

"A big, big thank you to all the staff at Northumberland Heath Primary. Everyone was welcoming and lovely! Thank you for having us" Parent/Carer survey

"We were welcomed into the school to learn about the school/trust's digital journey. It was incredible to see how engaged, enthused and invested both pupils and staff are, in ensuring that teaching and learning is accessible for all. The SLT were open, honest and reflective - we are truly grateful for their time! Visiting the school has been hugely inspirational. Thank You!" Parent/Carer survey

"I visited the school to specifically look at the digital journey and use of AI. It was an incredibly interesting, valuable and inspiring visit - talking to staff about their use of AI to enhance learning and reduce workload - talking to leaders about their journey and watching children in the classroom (especially SEN children) was an experience. Thank You" Sarah Y, APAT

"I found today really interesting, seeing how you can use iPads in all teaching and subjects. I have learnt lots, that I can use in my future teaching!" University of Greenwich Student

 "I had such a great time learning from this school. It has opened my eyes to lots of different approaches and experiences to learning. And has made me want to use this in my future teaching practice." Work Experience Student

"Thank you for the amazing experience here at NHP. The staff were all so welcoming and engaged in explaining in detail. Than you so much to Daniel for being an amazing host! And for educating us on something new." University of Greenwich Student

"It was so nice to see my son learning so much! Thank you so much for the hard work you have put in with him!" Parent

"It was a lovely afternoon in The Lodge, it was so lovely to see their work on display. The children were so proud to show off all their hard work!" Parent

"I really enjoyed looking at all the amazing work. Elder class have worked so hard! My daughter was really proud to show off her work to me. I loved seeing pictures from PLG as well." Parent

"It was great being able to look through the children's work. And great to see how much they children also enjoyed showing off their work with pride. Great to see the progress throughout the year." Parent

"I find it very interesting to see my grand daughter's school work. Thank you for inviting us to see it." Grandparent 

"It was lovely to be able to come in and see what my son and his classmates have been doing." Parent

"I am super surprised at all the hard work and dedication from the whole class! I am so proud of everyone and I still can't believe that it's their last year here at Northumberland Heath Primary School. Good Luck Everyone and keep it up!" Parent

"I really enjoyed seeing the school work and I am very impressed with how the children are being taught. Well done NHP!" Grandparent 

"Thank you so much for everything you do for our children. It truly means a lot!" Parent

"A quick note to say it has been lovely working at the school today. Staff were friendly and professional at all times and there was a warm atmosphere everywhere I went. As a supply teacher, it was very easy just to 'pop-in' and teach for the day, as the children were very clearly settled and happy, in both Year 1 and Year 5 classes where I have been today. There is consistency of approach in both classes and children were very aware with all the routines. Thank You!" Supply Teacher 

"Thank you for allowing us to visit your school during science week. The welcome was warm and inviting and everyone was very helpful when I asked for assistance. Every class was engaging and excited, which is great to see. The teachers were also very good at keeping the class involved and engaged. I hope to see many children as future scientists!" Jayne, DSTL Scientist

"Thank you to Key Stage 2 for being brilliant during my visit during science week!  You were all amazing and inquisitive - and you could all be excellent scientists!! Together we made mini microscopes, lava lamps and elephants toothpaste, and you solved the mystery of the missing sugar! You were all great! Thanks so much!" Beth, Scientist

"What a welcoming school! Super impressed with the warm support reflected from the students and the care from their teachers regarding their development!" Tim, External Examiner, University of Greenwich

"I had the privilege of walking through the school the other day and I was amazed on how different schools are and I was taken back by the interactive technology and resources available. The amount of information and structure provided made me feel like my son is in the best and right place to learn!" H Imogen, Reception Parent

"A really nice morning, the children were all so engaged in their reading, which was amazing! Thank you for inviting us to enjoy this!" Paul, Parent

"The session went well. I enjoyed spending time with my son reading with him. I feel like moments like this are important to spend with your child, doing quality activities such as reading. Quality time is just so essential." Parent

"Absolutely amazing, really enjoyed myself today. Teachers were so well organised. Thank you for having us in to spend time with the children!" Parent

 "Wonderful to see the learning happening in EYFS - creative, inspiring and ambitious." Mr M, LAC Member

"Really impressed with the engagement in the classrooms. It was nice to see how clear the halls were and the various information display boards." Marcel N, LAC Member

"I had a wonderful experience today. The Junior Leadership Team were very positive and informative about their peers and learning. The school is clean, tidy and well ordered and the children are calm - so helpful and always smiling. Thank you for all your hard work 'May all your dreams come true'." Sue, WAT Trustee

"I enjoyed a lovely visit to NHP, the highlight being meeting a selection of the prefects and the Junior Leadership Team pupils - hearing about their love of learning, the improvements at the school and the collaborative culture of students supporting each other was amazing!!" Davina, WAT Trustee

"Thank you to the children and staff for a brilliant visit to NHP. It was great to hear from some prefects and the Junior Leadership Team members as their views on the school and see some excellent lessons. Thank you all!" Rebecca, WAT Trustee

"I had a lovely time in Nettle class making hearts. My son loved it. The teacher was very involved and lovely. Thanks again." Parent

"It was such a wonderful time spent with our children. Thank You!" Parent 

"A lovely activity and opportunity to see the children in their school environment. Thank You"  Parent

"We had a lovely morning in Nursery doing the valentines arts and crafts. it was nice to do this activity with my child, getting to see what goes on in the Nursery. The staff are wonderful and you can see how they know the children well and are very caring." Parent

"It was so nice to come in and spend time doing arts and crafts with my children. I look forward to the next one." Parent

This mornings arts and crafts was really good. Very easy to do yet beautiful! We can't wait to do the next one together." Parent

"A productive morning and it was nice to see what the children are learning. Happy Teachers = Happy Children! A very pleasant morning! Thank You" Parent

"Enjoying an arts and craft morning making heart pom poms with my daughter! Calm and well organised!" Parent

"Very relaxed and welcoming environment. It was nice to see my child's class. Mrs Casey and Mrs Bacon it was lovely to chat with you both. Thank You!" Parent

"I thought the children were excellent at Young Voices! I was especially proud of our Year 6 girls in the choir - they led by example; the school teachers in front of them complimented them on their singing. Overall, it was a very successful event." Choir Teacher

"Hello Northumberland Heath Primary School, I had the absolute pleasure of visiting your school on Friday and deliver a taster of Fizzy Minds Club. Your students were so receptive and well behaved, particularly Year 2. All the best and thanks so much." Kerry, Mindfulness and Wellbeing Coach

"As a visitor to your school, I was struck by the showcasing of the children's work in the display boards across the school. Amongst the learning there is pride in the work of the children as well as teaching of community, inclusivity and diversity which are such important messages for children and young people. Well done NHP!" Natalie

"I just wanted to give you some feedback on my visit today. Fantastic! Truly amazing staff! It was so lovely to see how much hard work has gone into setting the TEACCH stations up, making resources and the support they have for one another!  I know some had reservations, but all of them have seen the success in TEACCH and now are converted! It's all their hard work and determination which has made this a success. I even saw their knowledge being passed onto new workers and sharing ideas with others that had not had the training. AN's new support worker and Z's 1-1 supporting P's 1-1 with gathering resources. What a pleasure todays visit was!" Kerry, Parent 

"The children were so well behaved in the corridors and in all 3 of the classes I worked in. The children were all so engaged and followed instructions really well. I was so impressed with them all." Louise, Children's University

"Dear NHP, thank you so much for arranging the Christmas crafts session yesterday. My son and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time together creating a decoration. It was lovely to be invited into the school and given the opportunity to make memories with my child." Hannah, Parent

"Thank you for inviting us to school, it was a great idea, the kids really enjoyed it and we hope that the connection between parents and school will get better and better each year. I would love to see what other projects you have in the plan for the future. Thank you so much for all the hard work and the love that you put into it. Thank you so much and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" Year R and Year 2 Parent 

“It’s so amazing – when the show started, the lights were so bright and beautiful – the dancers are so good and the special guests too.  8,000 children – wow!  This was an amazing experience!” Year 4 Pupil - Young Voices Concert

"After the Local Academy Committee (LAC)  meeting on 7th February, the LAC members ventured on a learning walk accompanied by Ms Indresano  .  We popped into some of the  classrooms across the school and noticed that they were all purposefully and consistently structured. We were informed that this helps significantly with children’s learning across the year groups. The children we saw were fully engaged in their lessons and supported well by the teachers and other staff.  We noticed that, despite it being break time for some of the children, the school was very calm and serene.  The staff we met were cheerful and the children were polite and respectful.  The children in the playground were playing well with each other and enjoying the fresh air.  The corridors were decorated in neutral colours, which really helps with the calm atmosphere.  They were clean, tidy and invited one to look at the splendid displays of children’s learning." Jo, LAC Committee

"Fantastic school. Learning environment is so clean and tidy. The two people leading the session were very knowledgeable and helpful. Learnt lots, thank you!" 

"The training was really engaging. School had a great calm atmosphere and was good to see AFL being used." 

"The day has been lovely! I truly learned a lot and enjoyed my time here!" 

"The session was really well prepared! I learned lots today. Got some good assessment strategies to use because of this session!" 

"Very informative session and I enjoyed the learning walk! Thank you for having us!" Beatrice 

"It's been an amazing experience at NHP. I loved the way the teachers used the use of iPads for learning and the children love how it helps them as well. I loved the talk-pair-share they used in their lesson." 

"Thank you so much for having me today at your school. The learning walk was a fantastic opportunity to see AFL best practice. Your children are a credit to you - they were polite and excited about showing their learning. I love the direction your school is going in! Thanks Again!" Emma

"The behaviour expectations were clearly well understood by the children and well enforced by all adults. Children were all engaged with the work in evert classroom visited. The phonics teaching in nursery was particularly impressive with how joyful and engaging the learning clearly was for every child in the room!" 

"Children at the school are polite and enthused of their work. The school clearly empathises student learning. All staff are supportive and explored content exceptionally!" Callum 

"Thank you to Charlotte and Daniel! Brilliant, well scaffolded session that really encouraged apprentices/student teachers to share and ask questions. Thank you for organising such an informative learning walk. It was brilliant that you shared so many practical AFL strategies and encouraged critical thinking throughout. You were magic!" Nicola