Our school has a team of skilled, knowledgeable and passionate staff who are dedicated to ensuring that the school can provide the best education, opportunities and experiences for all children.
Our staffing structures ensures collaboration, with colleagues working in teams to plan together each week as well as across other schools in our Trust. This means that they can discuss, evaluate and constantly improve together to ensure that the education experience and provision in the classroom best meets the needs of all children.
Our school systems ensure that teachers have support and time to really consider the teaching and learning experiences of our children; curriculum delivery being at the forefront of their consideration.
The staff team are committed to ensuring that the provision for all children is of the highest quality where all learning enthuses, engages and motivates children whilst fostering their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.
Senior Leadership Team
Ms D Indresano
Head Teacher
Mrs G Beale
Deputy Headteacher Inclusion
Mrs C Milburn
Deputy Headteacher- Curriculum
Mrs Y Bruce
School Business Manager
Mrs S Clarke
Ms R O'Reilly
Part-time Assistant Headteacher
Mr D Davies
Trust Assistant Headteacher - Digital Development
Wider Leadership Team
Mr D Caton
EYFS & KS1 Lead
Miss S Basi
KS2 Phase Lead
School Office Team
Mrs E Cooper
Office Administrator - Currently on Maternity LeaveĀ