
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Beale – Deputy Headteacher Inclusion

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

Ms Indresano - Head Teacher 

Mrs Milburn – Deputy Headteacher Curriculum

Mrs Clarke - SENDco

Miss Tebble - Well-Being Coach


Nominated Safeguarding Lead for Trustees

Sue Butterfill

The following guides are from the National Online Safety website and provide parents and carers with information about various social media sites.

Safety Online

The Click CEOP button is an asset of the National Crime Agency CEOP command. The CEOP command works to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation both online and offline. Click the link to report a concern.

What have you signed up for

If you have any concern about a particular app or game or how to keep your child safe there are some useful guides to be found here.

The Child Commissioner has written some 'jargon free' terms and conditions for adults and parents to see exactly what users agree to when signing up to use an app. These terms and conditions can be found below:

Please note most of these sites are age restricted as shown below. Please note most social media sites are age restricted. The most common ones are shown below but please check what your child is accessing by doing a google search to better understand the restrictions and how to protect your child. 

7 Conversation Topics on Internet Safety

Facebook Messenger Parent Guide 13+

Facebook Parent Guide 13+

Fornite Parent Guide

Live Streaming Parent Guide

PUBG Player Unknowns Battlefield Parent Guide 16+

Snapchat Parent Guide 13+

Twitter Parent Guide 13+

WhatsApp Parent Guide 16+

TikTok 13+

If you are worried about the way someone has been communicating with you or your child online?  You can make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors. 

The website below also has a range of information about keeping yourself or a child you know safe from child sexual exploitation.

If you are worried about the way someone has been communicating with you or your child online?  You can make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors. 

What have you signed up for

If you have any concern about a particular app or game or how to keep your child safe there are some useful guides to be found here.

The Child Commissioner has written some 'jargon free' terms and conditions for adults and parents to see exactly what users agree to when signing up to use an app. These terms and conditions can be found below:

Social Media

Please note most social media sites are age restricted. The most common ones are shown below but please check what your child is accessing by doing a google search to better understand the restrictions and how to protect your child.

If you are worried about the way someone has been communicating with you or your child online?  You can make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors. 

The website below also has a range of information about keeping yourself or a child you know safe from child sexual exploitation. 

How to talk about Online Safety

Click here for Childnet's advice on what and how to discuss staying safe online with your child. Click here  to find ways of starting that conversation. 

The government's Thinkuknow website has lots of resources and activities for staying safe. You can view them here

Internet Matters

Keeping your children safe online matters.  "Internet Matters" is an independent, not-for-profit organisation which aims to help parents keep their children safe online.  We believe in maximising children’s potential online, while staying safe, and Internet Matters can help parents to address this important issue.

Internet Watch Foundation

If you see any criminal sexual content online, you can report it anonymously to the Internet Watch Foundation.

NSPCC - general online safety guidance for parents -

Thinkuknow - Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.

UK Safer internet Centre - a partnership of three leading organisations: Childnet International, Internet Watch Foundation and SWGfL, with one mission - to promote the safe and responsible use of technology for young people.

Digital 5 a day - guidance from the children's commissioner

Parent zone - comprehensive advice for a digital life

CEOPs - Child Exploitation and Online Protection command (Police)

LGfL- Advice on a range of Online Safety issues  

LGfL- Advice on a range of Online Safety issues

Children's Commissioner -Terms and Conditions for apps written in child-friendly language



Internet Watch Foundation:

Think U Know:

UK Safer Internet Centre:

The UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS)

DfE ‘Cyberbullying: advice for Headteachers and school staff’:

DfE ‘Advice for parents and carers on cyberbullying’:

Useful links that help


When you call 0800 1111, you’ll get through to a counsellor, they’re there to listen and support you with anything you’d like to talk about.

Childline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So you can talk to them at any time.


With the help of our friendly dinosaur Pantosaurus, PANTS is a simple way to talk to your child about staying safe from sexual abuse.

Domestic Abuse

Anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexuality or background.

There are different kinds of abuse that can happen in different contexts. The most prevalent type of domestic abuse occurs in relationships. But the definition of domestic abuse also covers abuse between family members, such as adolescent to parent violence and abuse.

If you recognise yourself or someone you know in the following warning signs and descriptions of abuse, reach out. There is help available.

Useful Contacts:

Bexley Domestic Abuse Services 0808 2000 247 (24-hour domestic violence helpline)

Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAW)

Young Minds & CAMHs

YoungMinds are a charitable organisation who work with the Children and Adolescents Mental Health Service (CAMHS) to provide support, advice and counselling to young people experiencing depression, anxiety, bullying and eating difficulties. They offer a parent helpline for parents and carers worried about their children's mental wellbeing.

You can find a guide to support offered at

Their parental helpline can be reached through 0808 802 5544.


Mind are a nationwide mental health charity who are able to offer information and support for a variety of mental health issues. Working closely with the NHS they have a wide range of resources and information on their website, including an A-Z of Mental Health, advice for helping someone else, guides to support and services and Elefriends - their online community. Everyone is affected by a mental health difficulty at some point in their lifetime and Mind are on hand to help.

Visit their website on

Or call them today on 0300 123 3393 for their info line.

Carers Direct

Carers Direct is for anyone who is looking after a family member who is ill or disabled or needs special help. It is part of the NHS website and offers information and advice.

There is a phone number you can call to talk to someone on 0808 802 0202

Family Lives

Family Lives offer a listening and supportive, non-judgemental service for parents. They have a lot of information on their website, including parenting advice videos and forums to chat to other families. They offer online parenting courses too for those wanting to be prepared for parenthood.

You can visit their website on  

Alternatively you can call their helpline on 0808 800 2222 for information, advice, guidance and support between 9am-9pm Monday to Friday or 10am-3pm at the weekend.


FGM Helpline  

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) covers all procedures that intentionally alter/injure the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. All teachers have a mandatory responsibility to report any known case of FGM to the police.

If you believe a child is at risk or has been a victim of FGM then call 01452 426565 or use the NSPCC FGM helpline:

NSPCC FGM Helpline 24 hours Tel: 0800 028 3550

Prevent Strategy

Prevent is designed to support people at risk of joining extremist groups and carrying out terrorist activities.

In practice it aims for police and other organisations to build relations across the UK and requires faith leaders, teachers, doctors and others to refer any suspicions about people to a local Prevent Body. An assessment is then made about whether further action is needed.

Prevent review (

Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit

If you see any content online related to terrorism, you can report it anonymously to the Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit (CTIRU).


Their resource covers the following subjects:

What is a gang?
Why do people join gangs?
Gangs and the law
How can I leave a gang?
How can I help someone in a gang?
I’m scared of gangs, what can I do?

Anti-Bullying Alliance: 


Family Lives:



The BIG Award:

PSHE Association:

Restorative Justice Council:

The Diana Award:

Victim Support:

Young Minds:

Anne Frank Trust:

Kick it Out:

Report it:

Stop Hate:

Tell Mama:

Educate against Hate:

Show Racism the Red Card:

To see our Child Protection Policy please click here